121026 Wonder Girls’ Yubin and miss A′s Suzy’s Hit Up ‘Running Man’
Written By Regina Kim on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 | 7:22 PM
Wonder Girls′ Yubin and miss A′s Suzy brought on the competition to SBS’ Running Man.
The JYP girls will be seen appearing in the nextRunning Man episode along with guests Ji Jin Hee, Ji Sung and Song Chang Eui.
The filming in Gwangju was all the more meaningful and a sort of return to their hometown for Suzy and Yubin as both hail from the area.
The two will make an extravagant and special entrance into the show, taking the male guests by surprise.
Starting at Gwangju’s city hall, the race will move on to Suzy’s alma mater, an amusement park, a bus terminal and more in a special mission race.
In particular, Suzy couldn’t hide the butterflies in her stomach as she approached her former school saying, “I’m shaking after coming to my school for the first time in a while.”
The popularity of the show’s cast members extended beyond as the students tried to get in on the fun as Kim Jong Kook jokingly complained, “I think I’ve had my name tag taken off by over 100 elementary students.”
The episode will air on October 28.
Photo Credit: SBS
Running Man,
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