121116 miss A members’ beauty ranked by foreigners
Written By Regina Kim on Friday, November 16, 2012 | 8:37 PM
miss A members were ranked based on their looks by foreigner students.
On the November 16th episode of MBC Music’s ‘All The KPOP’, the result of miss A members ranking by foreigner students will be revealed.
‘All The KPOP’ held a poll for the beauty ranking of miss A members to 100 foreign students at Yeonsei University, and Suzy took first place, while Fei, Min, and Jia took second, third and fourth respectively.
Suzy commented, “Hi~ Guys. Thank you~ Guys. I Love You~ Guys” to the people who voted for her, and sent them a hand kiss.
However, members Min and Jia who ranked 3rd and 4th, received gift cards worth around $1000 USD and cosmetic products, stirring envy to Suzy and Fei.
This ‘All The KPOP’ episode will be aired on November 16th.
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