130508 Five Fun Facts About miss A Suzy, The Actress
Written By Regina Kim on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 | 9:08 PM
Suzy, the star of the popular drama “Gu Family Book,” is contributinga song to the show’s soundtrack. But it’s not the first time that theactress, born Bae Su Ji, has both performed in a drama and sung on theOST.
Suzy also sang “Winter Child” and “Dream High” for the soundtrack of the drama “Dream High,” in which she played Go Hye Mi.
Besides appearing in “Dream High,” Suzy played the roles of Jang MaRi in the drama “Big” and Young Sang Yeon in the movie “Architecture101.”
Here are a few more things you may or may not know about her.
1. Suzy auditioned for the 2009 Mnet Superstar K, but she did not getfar. She made it through a preliminary round before she was eliminated.But a talent agent noticed her and scouted her. As a result, she became a trainee at JYP Entertainment, and eventually the youngest member ofthe girl group, miss A.
2. She is studying Mandarin and at any given time several Chinese textbooks may litter her room.
3. She is uncomfortable in her own body, not that you would noticefrom her glamorous portrayal in advertisements and commercials. Suzyworries she is growing too fast. Although she is only slightly over 5ft., 5 in., her feet are the equivalent of an American size 9 orEuropean size 39. That makes it hard to find high heels in Korea. Shealso worries about gaining weight, although she is only 103 pounds. Suzystays in shape by doing yoga every day, and as a bonus, her workoutshave given her the strongest arm muscles of any member of miss A. Whenit comes to arm wrestling, she wins over any of her band mates.
Suzy is not satisfied with her face either. She doesn’t like herforehead, which she thinks is too wide. And she had her front teethbonded because she thought the gap made them look like bunny teeth.
4. Suzy is devoted to her parents, her sister and brother. She spent some of the money she earned on her parents. She helped them open a coffee shop called Caffee Soo in Kwanju.
5. When she was living in the dorm rooms with miss A, Suzy always had the largest number of stuffed animals but that may be because she could not own a pet of her own. She is allergic to cats.
Know any fun facts about Suzy that you would like to share? Let us know.
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