The third Monday in May is the day that many Korean teens celebrate becoming adults.
This year, those celebrating adulthood will include two singersturned kdrama stars. The two celebrities are miss A’s Suzy, who iscurrently starring as Dam Yeo Wool in “Gu Family Book,” and A Pink’sJung Eun Ji, who was most recently seen as Moon Hee Sun in “That WinterThe Wind Blows.”
All Korean young adults who come of age in the calendar year get tocelebrate their adulthood on that day even if they have not yet hadtheir birthdays. The age of adulthood used to be 20. However, the lawwas recently changed, lowering the age to 19. Beginning this year,anyone born before July 1, 1994 is also officially legal.
The holiday was traditionally celebrated by women wearing the kind ofclothes you may have seen in historical dramas. Women wore traditionaldresses known as hanboks, arranged their hair into a chignon and toppedtheir hair with bridal crowns called jokduri. Men traditionally worefull-dress attire, which includes a gat, the Korean hat made from bambooand horsehair.
But these days, dressing up in traditional clothes is rare. Mostyoung Koreans celebrate the day by going on a date and exchanging giftssuch as perfume or roses. A lucky boyfriend might get a kiss.
Coming of age in Korea is a big deal because it means that the young person can choose whom they will marry. If they want to, they arelegally allowed to drink and smoke. They can also vote and drive.
Suzy Bae, who officially comes of age today, already has a career that many adult actresses would be proud of.
She is currently appearing in Gu Family Book but already has severaldramas to her credit. She starred as Go Hye-mi in “Dream High” and JangMa Ri in “Big.” She also played Young Yang Seo Yeon in the film”Architecture 101.”

Jung Eun Ji made her acting debut as Sung Shi Won in “Reply 1997.”She made her stage debut in the Hollywood film-turned-musical, “LegallyBlonde.”
Also turning legal today is SHINee’s Taemin, who is currentlyappearing on the variety show “We Got Married,” where he is paired upwith his pretend wife A Pink’s Na Eun.
Congratulations to Suzy Bae, Jung Eun Ji and Taemin and best wishes for continued success.
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