Everyone and their mothers in the Korean entertainment industry and in all entertainment industries across the globe wear make-up. It’s essential for television, film, music videos, etc. Without make-up and make-up artists, our world will be a much naked place and dare I say, vain? This morning I woke up, looked myself in the mirror, and took in my bare face and decided that I wanted to give a tribute to natural beauty. So let’s take a look at idols without their face all done up and picture perfect!
Miss A’s Suzy, aka the most beloved young woman in Korea, needs no make-up to look stunning, adorable, or pretty. She’s a natural beauty with those big old eyes, pretty lips, and flawless skin. She could go out completely barefaced and do a CF and people will still buy whatever she is promoting. Props to the singer for always posing in make-up less photos!
Miss A’s Suzy, aka the most beloved young woman in Korea, needs no make-up to look stunning, adorable, or pretty. She’s a natural beauty with those big old eyes, pretty lips, and flawless skin. She could go out completely barefaced and do a CF and people will still buy whatever she is promoting. Props to the singer for always posing in make-up less photos!
Suzy’s once biggest competition in the world of popularity, IU is still adorable as ever without make-up. In general the singer doesn’t wear a lot of gunk on her face, but the natural look definitely suits this little petite talented songstress.
Oh Park Bom. Honestly, I love this 4D personality girl and she’s a great singer and looks a billion times better without all that make-up she plasters on her face. How innocent and pretty does she look here?
Kara’s Nicole is the most relateable looking gal without any make-up. She looks like the girl next door or the friend you sit next to in SAT class. Though I prefer Nicole with some eyeliner, she still looks naturally beautiful and homely.

I love you CL, you are the fiercest chick on the block, but girl you need some make-up! Loads of people come up to me and say that CL is my doppleganger and just like her, I need a pile of make-up on to look like a normal human being. CL looks best with some whopping amounts of eyeliner and lashes!
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